Submission / Abstract Guidelines

Proposal Submission

Click to submit a proposal

Proposals can be sent and be presented in English or Turkish.

Guidelines for the Presentations:

  • 15- minute presentation and 10-minute question time will be allocated for each paper.
  • Extended summary will be requested for all presentations.
  • Presentations will be scheduled in 90 minute sessions which will  include papers on similar themes.

Proposals go through a two-level review. First, they are evaluated for their format and style and directed to at least 2 different academic expert reviewers in the field for a blind review. In cases where one review is positive and the other is negative, they are directed to a third reviewer and the decision is made accordingly.

Below is the review criteria for the proposals:

Theme: Originality, the meaningfulness of the problem, the significance of the subject, the relevance and link to the conference theme.

Contribution to Education: Scientifc and educational significance, theoretical and practical framework (studies are expected to be emprically grounded), contribution to the field.

Analysis and Discussion: The significance of the results, their relevance to the findings, discussions and suggestions raised in relation to practice, policy and new insights, generalizability and value.

Responsiveness to Interaction: Openness to interaction with the audience, ability to produce and develop multiplicity of perspectives

Guidelines for Writing an Abstract

Abstracts should contain

  • 1000-1500 words maximum, excluding the references.,
  • 3 keywords representing the study
  • Problem statement and/or clear research questions
  • Conceptual framework
  • Analytic methods techniques or query types
  • Findings and conclusions

Abstracts are expected to be typed in Times New Roman size 10, and justified on both sides.

Use margins of 2,5 cms on all sides of the page.

Use APA5 for in-text citations, referneces and tables.